founded 2010
Watchdog is a service for registered and logged in customers.
If the product is set as temporarily unavailable, the customer can click on the picture of the dog in the product detail after logging in
and for 365 days, the product is monitored until the settings on the stock change.
You will be informed about this situation by e-mail that the goods are in stock.
Then you will be able to order the product and it will be sent to you immediately.
Thanks to this service, we will be able to have an overview of products that are of interest.
The customer in turn provides information about the stocked product.
This will reduce the long delivery time for processing orders.
Komunikace velmi dobrá, zboží bylo velmi kvalitně zabaleno doručeno bez poškození, opakovaný nákup a dodání, mohu vřele doporučit.
+ Nemohu říct nic špatného, jediné co je, že doprava do Německa je trochu těžké zjistit, jak přesně to chodí. to chvíli trvá, jinak je vše v pořádku.
+ Poskytnutí velice atraktivních exponátů z dob ..kdy vše bylo poctivé
+ kvalita