founded 2010
Electronic records of sales (EET) is the method of recording revenue when the transaction data is sent to financial management. According to the Law on records sales no. 112/2016 Coll. subject to EET sales, which are paid in cash, credit cards, vouchers, or other similar means if they include income from the business.
The e-shop is already registered to EET and a receipt with a unique code will be sent by mail.
"According to the law on the registration of sales, the seller is obliged to issue a receipt to the buyer. He is also obliged to register a revenue received by the tax online; in case of technical failure, then within 48 hours. "
Komunikace velmi dobrá, zboží bylo velmi kvalitně zabaleno doručeno bez poškození, opakovaný nákup a dodání, mohu vřele doporučit.
+ Nemohu říct nic špatného, jediné co je, že doprava do Německa je trochu těžké zjistit, jak přesně to chodí. to chvíli trvá, jinak je vše v pořádku.
+ Poskytnutí velice atraktivních exponátů z dob ..kdy vše bylo poctivé
+ kvalita